Advanced Smart Unfold For SOLIDWORKS can unfold developable or non developable surfaces. Users can select more one surface patches, and all the selected patches will be unfolded as if they are a single surface. It is the only tool in the world that can unwrap the selected multi surfaces into a single contour.
This plugin works with SOLIDWORKS 2008 and all later versions (32bit or 64bit).
Batch Print SW is a comprehensive set of utilities designed to execute repetitive tasks quickly and easily. Printing and converting batches of SolidWorks documents are some of the most popular tasks included in the program (CATIA, DWG, DXF, eDrawings, IGES, JPG, PDF, PDF 3D, STEP, STL and TIF).
It features several modes to select files to work with, notably: drag and drop, loading Excel lists, or searching for files in selected folders.
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