Are you tired of repeating the same tasks on multiple drawings or staying late plotting to meet a deadline.
Wouldn’t you rather be doing something else. Now you can. This best selling software will automate AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT from batch plot to batch conversion.
Perform tasks automatically whether it is simply Batch Plot, Batch Purge, Batch Insert, Batch Xrefing, Batch Exporting DXF/DWF, Batch Changing Text/Attributes etc. or more complex tasks, Multi-Batch is the program you need. Basically any command or routine you use in AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, can be set up to work automatically on thousands of drawings.
Multi-Batch Wizards automatically create your routines:
Multi-batch comes with five wizards for automatically creating your routines including Batch Plot using Detailed information or Pagesetups, Batch Saveas Drawing/DXF, Batch Purge & Batch Import pagesetups.