The website has just started... there will be added more usefull CAD utilities during next weeks.
DataNumen DWG Recovery is the tool to repair and recover corrupted DWG files. It can recover from DWG file as much as possible.
It contains several tabs that allow you select the function you want to use, (eg. 'Recovery', 'Batch Recovery' and 'Options' to adjust the functioning parameters of the program).
An add-on for AUTOCAD, which determines the developed (unfolded) section of one set of 3DSOLID, 3DMESH or 3DFACE entities and vertical plans passing through a 2D POLYLINE which may contain arcs, in XOY plane.
DWG Search for your Desktop and Network drives. DWG Search is a specialized search program for quickly locating AutoCAD dwg files based on their names and content
Users can search for block names, text occurrences, path and files names. The result gives a clear view of the contents of your folders and drives.
DWGLock is a powerful and fast DWG tool, protecting drawing file from being modified or copied. It is a stand-alone application requiring no AutoCAD.
Now you can protect your works with this DWGLock software, the entities in the send out drawings can NOT be copied nor changed. However, recipients can open up the drawing, add lines and markups. This is an ideal solution for the collaboration needs and contractors.
Stand-alone application, run without AutoCAD : This tool is standalone and runs completely without Autodesk products.
Batch Process: This application enables you to select multiple AutoCAD drawing file (DWG/DXF) and even complete folder to convert in one go.
Easy using and simple settings: This program is simple, quick and easy using. Add a file, set the path and click to convert.
Round Ductwork and Fittings for AutoCAD - The eDuct program by CCAD simplifies the design process of laying out round ductwork and fittings with AutoCAD 2000 and later. The program increases design efficiency, accuracy, and consistency by following typical duct construction rules.
With eDucts you can draw a single duct or a straight duct run. Given the diameter, overall length, and maximum length of one section of duct, eDucts calculates the number of ducts and the required length of the last duct to create a straight duct run.
Infinite size combinations of fittings, such as elbows, reducers and transitions, are parametrically created by eDucts.
Ductwork can be called out using a Leader and note or by generating a Bill of Material with no typing as both commands use size and length data imbedded in each component created by eDucts.
eDucts works with AutoCAD 2000 and later, but does not work with AutoCAD LT.
An add-on for AutoCAD. for the design of furniture for kitchen, room, bar or bedroom!
This program can help you to:
- design rapidly new furniture, starting from the existing plates or bodies
- the client can see the image of the furniture before the manufacturing
- obtain the cost price
- launch immediately the manufacturing of the furniture, the documentation being generated automatically
gCADPlus is an affordable easy-to-use CAD tool for professional landscapers. Use AutoCAD commands in a familiar environment to quickly create plans from templates by dragging and dropping symbols or entire designs into place. Cut drafting time and experience the power of automated landscape CAD software. Choose from hundreds of professional symbols or create your own. Re-use previous design work in new jobs. Simplify plant selection by attaching plant database lists and filter those lists to find the correct species for a particular purpose. Automate the creation of plant schedules, ground cover spacing and extract quantities for costing. Store extra data with any entity..
GlobalCAD Architecture is the integrated architectural and land planning add-on solution for AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture and BricsCAD.
Utilize unique presentation tools for the creation of stunning hatch patterns and complex linetypes, generated quickly and easily from existing drawing objects.
Create comprehensive schedules and bill of materials from block attribute data at the click of a button! Query drawings for quantities and export data to a variety of file formats including Microsoft Excel and Access.
Create accurate and intelligent site surveys and stunning 3D terrain models with a single mouse click! Using advanced algorithms, 3D models can be produced covering vast areas, both as polyface meshes or solids (including volumetric data).
Note: Online eshop links lead to the online stores managed by the relevant producer.