The website has just started... there will be added more usefull CAD utilities during next weeks.
GlobalCAD Hatch Manager provides the solution to all your hatch creation and management needs. You can build entire libraries from scratch, add existing PAT files in seconds or create your own unique patterns from existing drawing objects.
The software also links directly into the AutoCAD / BricsCAD Boundary Hatch (Bhatch) dialog, ensuring all your patterns remain fully featured with essential options such as associative, non-associative, edit boundary and pattern re-scaling.
GlobalCAD Organizer gives you the tools to create and manage drawing objects like never before! Its unique object-authoring suite includes Block Manager, Hatch Manager, Linetype Wizard and Attribute Wizard. Now you can instantly publish intelligent block libraries, stunning hatch patterns and complex linetypes from existing drawing content.
The software is avaiable for AutoCAD and BricsCAD as well.
The essential tools in GlobalCAD Terrain make it easy to create accurate and intelligent site surveys and stunning 3D terrain models with a single mouse click!.
Working with site survey data forms a critical component of any project. Information can be presented as anything from 2D markers to points in 3D space or contours. GlobalCAD Terrain gives you the tools to generate 'intelligent' surveys, either by converting an existing drawing or starting from scratch. Move any intelligent survey point marker and its associated XYZ value automatically updates to suit the new location!
Furthermore, you can generate 3D surface terrain models covering vast areas with a single mouse click. The terrain is developed by connecting the given survey points and forming triangles to create a surface model. Using advanced algorithms, GlobalCAD Terrain can produce these models as polyface meshes or solids (including volumetric data).
The software is avaiable for AutoCAD and BricsCAD as well.
InnerSoft CAD is a plug-in for AutoCAD that installs a set of productivity tools for Civil and Survey engineering, Counting, Estimating and measurements in construction project budgets. You can:
Free IntelliCAD tool! for Vehicle Turning Simulation (Swept path analysis)
10 default types of vehicles are supported. Every vehicletype has its own figuration ruled by a combination of segments, the first segment is the truck, the second is either a trailer or a tow bar and so on. You can easily create your own vehicles by copying a existing vehicle and change parameters. You can use up to 4 segments including the truck, that would give you a Triple trailer and we think that would cover most of the common situations.
An add-on CAD utility package for use with AutoCAD Architecture (or AutoCAD MEP). It contains a suite of additional commands. A few highlights includes a Ceiling Grid Generator, Auto-Layering for annotation layers, dozens of keyboard macros, point aids, and much more.
The KCS Productivity Pack is now a free utility, which may be authorized upon purchasing. All features are included whether authorized or not.
his add-on utility package is for use with plain AutoCAD (or Vertical application other than Architecture or MEP), version R2000 - R2016. It includes most features included in the AEC version, except for those that are specific to AEC. Some features, such as Auto-Layering, have been tailored for non-AEC use. This version also include some tools not found in the AEC version, such as Dimension tolerance tools.
The KCS Productivity Pack is now a free utility, which may be authorized upon purchasing. All features are included whether authorized or not.
Kordil AcadTRK is a package that contains several LISP utilities useful for menu and mapping tools for AutoCAD above version 12.0. The package also contains CAD tools which supports for CAD programs supporting AutoLISP Languages (such as BrisCAD). The source codes of the utilities in the package are fully customizable and editable, and the package consisting of several programs are easily accessible through a pull-down and icon menus. Those who work on the construction or land surveying and also wish some useful enhancements for AutoCAD may give this package a try! The package works with AutoCAD version 12.0 and above. The package is equipped with an installation wizard and also with an installation instruction.
Kordil AcadTRK package is free of charge. However, it is expected to fill out the form before downloading.
LITIO 2.0 is a sheet metal add-on for AutoCAD and GStarCAD, that calculates and draws the flat sheet development of ducts, rectangle-to-round transitions, cylinders, cones, pipe intersections, connections, bifurcations, elbows, etc. It is very easy to use and very versatile. It is ideal for the sheet metal-processing industry: for HVAC, hoppers, cyclones, dust extraction, ducts, conveying systems, silos, piping, etc.
Mesh Unfolder in a general unfolding utility for unfolding 3D mesh data. It imports DXF/STL/OBJ/WAV surface data exported from a CAD system, extracts the 3D meshes, unfolds (i.e. flattens) the mesh, by minimising tensions, and exports the unfolded data back to the CAD system. A powerful utility that is more general than Sheet Lightning (above) and can be used to unfold boat panels, shoes, lamp shades, aerofoils, or anything else that is made from sheet material.
MESH UNFOLDER is very powerful CAD software that is able to unfold 3D CAD designs that are more general than the design set of Sheet Lightning v6, defined by 3D mesh surfaces or surface models. A mesh can be created in most CAD systems, such as Autocad, exported to a DXF/STL/OBJ/WAV file, then imported and unfolded in the Mesh Unfolder software.
Note: Online eshop links lead to the online stores managed by the relevant producer.